Never been to MathsConf? Neither had I…

Never been to MathsConf? Neither had I… As a relative newcomer to the Complete Mathematics team, I’d watched the build-up to MathsConf27 from afar (well, the other side of the office) for several weeks and experienced the virtual MathsConfMini in September. I was therefore very aware of the fact that for Complete Mathematics, MathsConfs...

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Continuity and Coherence: Building A Strong Mathematics Curriculum

Continuity and Coherence: Building A Strong Mathematics Curriculum The importance of a carefully and effectively structured curriculum cannot be understated: in schools with one, every lesson counts and both pupils and teachers can navigate through the maths world guided by the North Star of their curriculum intent. Without one, learners...

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Secure Foundations: Testing Prerequisite Knowledge with Complete Maths

Secure Foundations: Testing Prerequisite Knowledge with Complete Maths In May we posted a blog exploring the importance of secure foundations when preparing pupils to move from primary to secondary school. In this blog, we aim to explore in more detail how teachers can use, and assess, prerequisite knowledge to identify weaknesses in pupils’...

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Six ways to use TUTOR in school

Six ways to use TUTOR in school Since Summer School launched in July, its pupils have watched over 81 days worth of videos and completed tens of thousands of quizzes, generating reams of data which schools are no doubt eager to use as they reopen their doors for a new academic year. From September, Summer School’s evolution into TUTOR will...

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