Helping Your Child Manage Exam Anxiety

Helping Your Child Manage Exam Anxiety This marks the final edition in a three-part series for parents seeking to share some of the science behind learning and revision, alongside practical strategies parents and carers can use at home to help ensure their child enters the exam hall feeling as calm and prepared as possible. Our...

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Restless Revision: Alternative Strategies for Neurodivergent Brains

Restless Revision: Alternative Strategies for Neurodivergent Brains April marks the beginning of spring and the promise of lighter, sunnier days ahead — but for pupils across the UK, it also marks the final month of school before exam season begins. The associated nerves and anxiety are bound to be shared by parents and carers, too, as...

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8 Tips for Helping Your Child Revise

8 Tips for Helping Your Child Revise April marks the beginning of spring and the promise of lighter, sunnier days ahead — but for pupils across the UK, it also marks the final month of school before exam season begins. The associated nerves and anxiety are bound to be shared by parents and carers, too, as they wonder how best to support...

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Ten Things Your Child’s Maths Teacher Wants You To Know

Ten Things Your Child’s Maths Teacher Wants You To Know Until now, the vast majority of our work at Complete Maths has been with teachers, supporting teaching and learning through CLASSROOM and CPD. The launch of TUTOR for Families means for the first time we will be able to work directly with parents and their children in supporting their...

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