The Most Important Academic Year in Generations

The Most Important Academic Year in Generations Very significant challenges lie ahead for schools.  With the closure of schools across the country, pupils are working hard at home with the incredible support and provision put in place by their teachers and schools in a remarkably short time under incredibly challenging circumstances.  As...

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Using the Complete Mathematics Platform

Using the Complete Mathematics Platform During this ongoing period of disruption in education, pupils and teachers have been working incredibly hard to keep on track. Teachers and schools have done an incredible job with the support and provision they put in place in an exceptionally short time under remarkably challenging circumstances. Our...

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Mastering Mastery: Making the cycle work!

Mastering Mastery: Making the cycle work! Mastery is a commonplace word now in mathematics education, and social media is awash with 'mastery lessons', 'mastery resources', and 'mastery curricula' - is this mastery? What do we mean by mastery? Is it a teaching style? Is it a curriculum design method? Is it an intervention strategy? The...

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What's New in Autograph 5

What's New in Autograph 5 2D Page 'Label objects' setting in the Axes Menu Clicking 'Label objects' — objects will be labelled from now on. Clicking 'Label Points only' – this will not label other objects (lines, etc) Any new 2D page opens with 'Label Objects' off New right-click options on selected points, lines etc: 'Show Labels' 'Hide...

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