The school initially became acquainted with Complete Mathematics through the

platform, which was already in use -
“We knew about
when it came along because we
were part of the family already."
The decision to choose Complete Mathematics and the

platform was influenced by
the recognition that the system goes beyond traditional approaches.
"The key difference between Complete Mathematics and other systems... is you're not expecting kids to read a couple of work examples and then magically understand how to do it.".
Instead, it provides comprehensive teaching videos for every learning objective, ensuring that students have access to quality instruction, enabling independent learning.
The key differentiator was the emphasis on good teaching, incorporating pedagogical
techniques such as practical models, number lines, and concrete materials.
“They are subject experts in the videos, who show real understanding and pedagogy within the videos so there’s genuine teaching methods behind it.”
The platform features primary practitioners teaching primary-level content, ensuring a level of expertise and understanding crucial for addressing foundational gaps.
“It takes a little bit of trust at first, but as we've integrated it into our teaching, we've seen how
the platform caters to the individual needs of our students. It's become a trusted tool in our
educational toolbox”