How does Free Practice on TUTOR work?
Learners can access Free Practice in the Quiz step of a Goal.
Following completion of the Readiness, Learn, and Do steps of a Goal, it is the perfect opportunity to apply the new knowledge and gain fluency before moving onto a Quiz attempt for Goal completion.
Within Free Practice, learners receive a series of dynamically generated questions. These dynamic questions have been designed and built especially for this new activity, and cover goals across stages 1 to 11 of the Complete Mathematics Curriculum.
There are various question types, with answers given by multiple choice, text input, and other methods, to engage the learner in different ways, and new ways for TUTOR.
Answers can be provided by the learner and then checked, or the answer can be revealed without selection. If learners provide an incorrect answer, then they can either choose to reset the question to have another go, or to reveal the answer and move onto another, new question.
The number of questions a learner has encountered in the current Practice session is tracked on the page by the Question Counter.
The Practice Gauge tracks a learner’s progress within a Practice session. Answering a question correctly will move the gauge up by 1 notch. Answering a question incorrectly will move the gauge down by 2 notches. Revealing an answer will not change the gauge level.
Based on the number of questions encountered within a session, and the level of the Progress Gauge, smart recommendations will be given to the learner. They might be prompted to move onto a Goal quiz, or indeed to return to earlier goal steps to top up their knowledge.
Learners can continue to generate questions for as long as they like, and will receive new variations within the limits of the dynamic questions. Learners can also end a session whenever they like, and can return to start a new session at any point.
Though each Practice session starts afresh in terms of the Question Counter and Practice Gauge, the total number of questions encountered by a learner will be tracked on each Goal Quiz page.
Teachers are able to review the amount of Practice Questions encountered by each pupil, and their overall answer percentages, in a new tab of the Pupils table on the Teacher TUTOR platform.